Sunday, April 25, 2010

Dinner Choices

I big on fresh organic produce, and I love cooking just 2 or 3 days a week. I usually cook a few things at once so that I can put them in the fridge for the next couple of days. Tonight I did a baked squash, fresh green beans with lemon juice, and a cucumber and tomato salad with a balsamic vinaigrette.

Cooking in bulk really helps me when I'm on the go. I can just grab individual containers and head out the door quickly. The cucumber and tomato salad is one of my favorite things in the summer. I usually a bit of fresh avacado right before it eat it which is a treat in itself. I'm always excited when I leave the house and grab my lunch knowing that I'm putting wonderful foods in my body.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Cat is Away

So this weekend I get the house to myself! Will is off at a bachelor party weekend and I'm home alone with the pups. I love it when I can watch what I want (trashy tv), gossip on the phone, paint my toenails, and have a glass of Vegan wine. Ralph loves these nights too!
I've been drinking Frey wine. It's the only Vegan wine currently at Central Market. They said the Natural Red is the most popular. I've tried the Shyrah too. I loved the Shyrah and the Natural Red is pretty good too. The last glass will contain little bits and particles if you don't filter it. Honestly, it makes me gag a bit, but I've begun filtering it now and it works great!

I went to Spec's recently and inquired on their Vegan wine selection, but they claimed they didn't have any! I went to and printed a list of all the know Vegan wines, and I'll be researching them. I'll keep you posted on what I discover!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Peek Inside

So, it's been a while since I've posted any pictures. This has been due to the lack of a working camera. I'm happy to say that I've purchased a new battery and we are up and running. I thought I would share a few things that I've been blogging about lately.
1. The new JCrew canvas tote bag that I'm carrying every day now. I'm loving it!

2. It's 'Spring Cleaning' time and I'm hitting the closet! I've already sorted through alot of this, but there is more to be done... There always is! The top row is the boyfriends, and the bottom row is mine. (The shoe boxes are mine too...he he)

3. And last but not least, a peek in the fridge...

I tend to eat more fresh produce. I usually take a spinich salad to work every day, and maybe some fresh fruit. I love eating fresh tomato and avacado sandwiches with a dash of fresh lemon juice on top. I also love a cold cucumber and tomato salad in the summer. I'll do a post later with some vegan lunch and dinner options that are great for the summer!

This is it for now, I've got to get the hang of posting pictures again!

Friday, April 16, 2010


So, I went to the grocery store last week and have begun to 'Veganize' all my groceries. Now, up until this point I have been cheating a bit. It's hard not to eat Queso when eating Mexican food. But I've made the commitment to choose living a vegan lifestyle and by all means, I intend to keep it up!

Last week I went to my first ever Vegan meetup at a little trailer here in Austin to have dinner. I loved it! The Mexican mac and cheese was one of the best I've ever had. The best part was walking away and not having that full and heavy feeling you usually get. I urge everyone to give 'Counter Culture' a try. It's amazing how much better I feel from becoming a vegetarian and then a vegan. I'm finally over the terrible part of missing meat. Now, when I see it or think about it, it makes me gag a bit. I know I've made the right choice!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Veggie Dog Food

So, we've finally taken the plunge! We made the transition for the veggie dog food. We ended up going with the Natural Balance. I'm not sure that this was the best choice, and we might switch again to another veggie variety. Anyone have any other suggestions?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Guilty Pleasure....Trashy TV

I must say that as terrible as it is, I'm obsessed with the Real Housewives series. I love all of the cities and anxiously wait for them. I've had a standing tradition with a friend to watch all of the seasons, and all of the episodes together. Tonight, for the season finale of the OC series, I am watching alone with the pups as Kate writes a paper. I'll be texting her little tidbits of info as I watch. I also can't wait to see the premiere of the New York Housewives. I've become more interested in this series since Bethany Frankel is a vegan and chef. I can't wait to see what is in store!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dog Almighty

I've been dying to try Dog Almighty ( here in Austin. They have Veggie hot dogs and vegan chili! The chili has won the Vegetarian chili cook-off here in Austin for the past 2 years. I love veggie hotdogs and dragged my friend Kate to give them a try! The verdict.... we fell in love!

I got the Dot Com dog (relish and mustard only) and Kate got a Dot Com Dog and a Slaw Dog (cole slaw on top). We shared a side of both fries and onion rings. The prices are great, the food is awesome, and I felt good walking out! Luckily it's pretty close to my house because I might be throwing this in the rotation of frequented restaurants.

Anyone know of any other places I must give a try??