Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Peek Inside

So, it's been a while since I've posted any pictures. This has been due to the lack of a working camera. I'm happy to say that I've purchased a new battery and we are up and running. I thought I would share a few things that I've been blogging about lately.
1. The new JCrew canvas tote bag that I'm carrying every day now. I'm loving it!

2. It's 'Spring Cleaning' time and I'm hitting the closet! I've already sorted through alot of this, but there is more to be done... There always is! The top row is the boyfriends, and the bottom row is mine. (The shoe boxes are mine too...he he)

3. And last but not least, a peek in the fridge...

I tend to eat more fresh produce. I usually take a spinich salad to work every day, and maybe some fresh fruit. I love eating fresh tomato and avacado sandwiches with a dash of fresh lemon juice on top. I also love a cold cucumber and tomato salad in the summer. I'll do a post later with some vegan lunch and dinner options that are great for the summer!

This is it for now, I've got to get the hang of posting pictures again!

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