Thursday, March 4, 2010

Guilty Pleasure....Trashy TV

I must say that as terrible as it is, I'm obsessed with the Real Housewives series. I love all of the cities and anxiously wait for them. I've had a standing tradition with a friend to watch all of the seasons, and all of the episodes together. Tonight, for the season finale of the OC series, I am watching alone with the pups as Kate writes a paper. I'll be texting her little tidbits of info as I watch. I also can't wait to see the premiere of the New York Housewives. I've become more interested in this series since Bethany Frankel is a vegan and chef. I can't wait to see what is in store!

1 comment:

-L- said...

Hahaha. Confession: me too!!!

Oh trashy reality TV how I love thee!