Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Cat is Away

So this weekend I get the house to myself! Will is off at a bachelor party weekend and I'm home alone with the pups. I love it when I can watch what I want (trashy tv), gossip on the phone, paint my toenails, and have a glass of Vegan wine. Ralph loves these nights too!
I've been drinking Frey wine. It's the only Vegan wine currently at Central Market. They said the Natural Red is the most popular. I've tried the Shyrah too. I loved the Shyrah and the Natural Red is pretty good too. The last glass will contain little bits and particles if you don't filter it. Honestly, it makes me gag a bit, but I've begun filtering it now and it works great!

I went to Spec's recently and inquired on their Vegan wine selection, but they claimed they didn't have any! I went to and printed a list of all the know Vegan wines, and I'll be researching them. I'll keep you posted on what I discover!

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