Friday, April 24, 2009

Ghosts of Products Past...

Up until this past year, it had been about 8 years since I'd used a product from MAC. From the age of 16-18 I used a little bit of everything. Then, at 18 I discovered Trish McEvoy and fell in love with the planner and the flexibility of the magnetic pages. For several years I used primarily Trish products with a few randoms here and there (Prescriptives False Eyelashes Mascara, Chanel Lip gloss, and Nars bronzer). I don't use eyeshadow much so I didn't really have anything to compare the Trish shadows to.

It wasn't until recently that I realized how terrible the Trish shadows were. I've become a bit of a YouTube junkie recently and have purchased some of the MAC shadows that have received lots of praise. Not only have I purchased these MAC shadows, but I've switched to MAC concealer, powder, and lipstick too! As my collection grows, I realize how much I loved their lipsticks. I've become addicted to applying them, and find the smell reminds me of yellow cupcake batter! This is far more pleasant than the awful smell of the Trish lip glosses. Hooray for MAC coming back into my life and bringing lots of pigment along for the ride!

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