Saturday, March 13, 2010

Veggie Dog Food

So, we've finally taken the plunge! We made the transition for the veggie dog food. We ended up going with the Natural Balance. I'm not sure that this was the best choice, and we might switch again to another veggie variety. Anyone have any other suggestions?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Guilty Pleasure....Trashy TV

I must say that as terrible as it is, I'm obsessed with the Real Housewives series. I love all of the cities and anxiously wait for them. I've had a standing tradition with a friend to watch all of the seasons, and all of the episodes together. Tonight, for the season finale of the OC series, I am watching alone with the pups as Kate writes a paper. I'll be texting her little tidbits of info as I watch. I also can't wait to see the premiere of the New York Housewives. I've become more interested in this series since Bethany Frankel is a vegan and chef. I can't wait to see what is in store!