Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Current Reads

So, I've just finished reading 'Eating Animals' by Johnathan Safran Foer, and let me tell you... things in there were shocking to me. This isn't the first book like this I've read, but there was something about it... maybe it was all the gruesome and horrifying details of what occurs in the slaughterhouses, maybe all the gut wrenching cruelty, or maybe it was just that it was terrifying from start to end. During the midst of reading the book I watched 'Food Inc.' as well. Honestly, I wasn't that impressed with it. I was lost on the whole seed cleaning issue and wanted them to focus more on the meat and dairy industry.

I'm not sure if what I should read next. I was a bit overwhelmed at the book store, but if anyone has any good ideas, let me know!

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