Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dog Almighty

I've been dying to try Dog Almighty ( here in Austin. They have Veggie hot dogs and vegan chili! The chili has won the Vegetarian chili cook-off here in Austin for the past 2 years. I love veggie hotdogs and dragged my friend Kate to give them a try! The verdict.... we fell in love!

I got the Dot Com dog (relish and mustard only) and Kate got a Dot Com Dog and a Slaw Dog (cole slaw on top). We shared a side of both fries and onion rings. The prices are great, the food is awesome, and I felt good walking out! Luckily it's pretty close to my house because I might be throwing this in the rotation of frequented restaurants.

Anyone know of any other places I must give a try??

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

(Late) New Years Resolutions

So, I've been thinking a bit about what my goals should be for the first half of the new year, and I think I've come up with a few good ones that I can accomplish by May.

1. Strive to maintain a solid vegan lifestyle
2. Get weight down to 115 lbs. by May 1st
3. Work out 5 days a week
4. Make an A in my Early American Lit. class
5. Volunteer with an animal rescue
6. Take my own dogs to the park twice a month
7. Put $200 a month in to my savings account

I may add a few more later, but this is it for now. What are yours? Do you break then down by week, month, or year?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Current Reads

So, I've just finished reading 'Eating Animals' by Johnathan Safran Foer, and let me tell you... things in there were shocking to me. This isn't the first book like this I've read, but there was something about it... maybe it was all the gruesome and horrifying details of what occurs in the slaughterhouses, maybe all the gut wrenching cruelty, or maybe it was just that it was terrifying from start to end. During the midst of reading the book I watched 'Food Inc.' as well. Honestly, I wasn't that impressed with it. I was lost on the whole seed cleaning issue and wanted them to focus more on the meat and dairy industry.

I'm not sure if what I should read next. I was a bit overwhelmed at the book store, but if anyone has any good ideas, let me know!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Vegan Or Not To Vegan

Going Vegan. This is going to be one of the hardest things I've done in my life. I never realized the extent of the suffering animals do for the things we use on a daily basis. I've become a vegetarian and I've been doing alot of research on consuming animal products. So consider myself a vegan I must be up anything that uses any animal products. This means shoes, handbags, clothing, makeup brushes, perfume and even some toothpastes! So, I've made a vow not to purchase any more products that use any sort of animal product or that do animal testing. Now, I'm not going to go throwing away anything that I currently have, but I just won't be purchasing more. I'll keep you posted on my progress!